Role of the Fashion Industry in Shaping Body Image

From the glittery runways of Milan to the glossy covers of elite fashion magazines, the industry has determined and dictated beauty standards for ages. The fashion industry is a cornerstone of modern popular culture and wields considerable influence over global beauty standards, sometimes acting as a mirror and at other times as the source of society’s obsession with physical, unattainable beauty. As we reflect on the industry’s past and present, it’s essential to understand its multifaceted relationship with body image in order to best navigate its future. In this comprehensive...
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Body Dysmorphia and Body Positivity: Navigating the Tension Between Acceptance and Change

In our era, where social media and visual representation often dominate our perception of beauty, it becomes imperative to understand the fine line between acceptance and the need for personal transformation. We live in an image-conscious society, and the complexities of body image can be a labyrinthine experience; between the call to embrace one’s natural appearance and the pressures to conform to societal standards, we find a spectrum of feelings, beliefs, and actions. The dichotomy creates a poignant question: How can we embrace our bodies while wanting to change them?...
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Male Bodies, Art, & Media: Representation, Communication, & Description of Men

From ancient sculptures to A.I. generated art, men and their bodies have been the focus of artistic expression, sexuality, and fashion alternating between objects of power and awe, to fluidity and romance. These representations shape societal perceptions and impact our understanding of masculinity, self-image, and gender dynamics.  As the conversation around body positivity gains momentum, an integral part of this movement addresses the description of male bodies in art, film, and media. While there has been extensive research and debate surrounding the portrayal of women, the same level of attention...
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Redefining Beauty: Challenging Social Constructs for Body Positivity

In a world where the media bombards us with airbrushed images of “perfect” bodies, it’s no wonder that many women find themselves struggling to meet unrealistic beauty standards. The pressure to conform to society’s expectations can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and severe mental health issues. However, the time has come for women to reclaim their power and challenge traditional societal beauty standards in the direction of a body-positive society. It is vital to recognise the importance of redefining traditional societal beauty standards to cultivate an atmosphere of body...
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Breastfeeding Uncovered: How Body Positivity Supports Mothers’ Feeding Choices

The Choice to Breastfeed The journey of motherhood begins with the birth of your baby, followed closely by a lot of important decisions, among which is the choice of breastfeeding. It’s a profoundly personal decision, often influenced by health considerations, work commitments, and societal pressures. Despite this, regardless of the chosen path, every mother’s decision deserves respect and support. According to the CDC, about 83% of U.S. infants are breastfed at birth, but only 57.6% are still breastfed by six months. This decline may be attributed to several factors, including...
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Picture Perfect Pressure: How Social Media Alters Our Perception of Body Image and Impacts Mental Health

Social media has been an influential force shaping our world, with its imprint stretching across multi-facets of lifestyle and societal interaction. In 2023, 4.48 billion people use social media worldwide. However, once hailed as the harbinger of global connectivity, this realm has been increasingly associated with a darker side – body shaming. We take a deeper look at how social media has influenced body image and mental health, particularly among young women and men, and how self-love and self-care can be promoted in the digital age. Social Media and Body...
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Are we body positive at the workplace?

Body positivity has emerged as a powerful movement in today’s society, encouraging individuals to embrace and celebrate their bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance. While the impact of body positivity is often discussed in personal contexts, its significance in the workplace should be noticed. A body-positive workplace fosters inclusivity, acceptance, and equal opportunities for all employees, creating a more diverse and thriving environment. It is important to understand & address bias & discrimination, promote inclusivity, and nurture a body-positive culture within the workplace.  Understanding Bias and Discrimination The influence...
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Body positivity was a party

With the goal to empower people to be kinder to their bodies, the Body Positivity Movement seeks to address well being at its core. To the ignorant, ‘body positivity’ is about size, mostly women and size and in that, mostly large women and size. This is a deeply marginalized population, but by no means the only one. While the fat liberation movement of the 1960’s emerged as a direct response to what was deemed anti fat bias ; the BPM is an all inclusive safe space created to encourage forgiving...
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